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As an Organ & Tissue Donor

Donation 101

What Can be Donated?

Click the dots to learn more about organs and tissues that can be donated and its benefits.

What is the Process?

Hover over the dots to learn more about the organ donation process.


Trauma and Death
Whether in a hospital or at the scene of an accident, emergency medical personnel immediately begin lifesaving procedures. Every effort is made to save the patient’s life.


Once it is determined a patient may not survive, the hospital must refer the patient to the local organ procurement organization.


The organ procurement organization evaluates if organ donation may be an option.


If the patient is eligible to donate, the organ procurement organization will speak to the family for authorization or inform the family their loved one was a registered donor.


Organ Recovery
Upon receiving authorization the organs are recovered and used to help save the lives of those on the organ transplant waiting list.

Help us obtain a Donate Life Tennessee Specialty License Plate

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‘Wall of Recipients’ brings inspiration to Mid-South Transplant Foundation

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Mid-South Family Exemplifies What it Means to Be an Organ Donor

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Frequenty Asked Questions

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Is there a cost to the donor family?

Will I be able to have an open casket funeral if I donate?

Who will receive my donated organs and tissues?

Does my social and/or financial status impact whether or not I will receive an organ if I ever need one?

Can I decide which organs and tissue I want donated?

Does a heart insignia or the words ‘Organ Donor” have to be printed on my license?

Is this the same database as when I registered to donate blood/bone marrow?

Why register my decision to be an organ and tissue donor?

Where can I register as an organ and tissue donor?

The Facts

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If you are admitted into the emergency room, medical professionals will do everything they can to save your life.

Your social status does not matter for organ and tissue donation.

All major religions support organ and tissue donation.

The donor’s family does not pay for the cost of donation.

There are many ways you can register as an organ and tissue donor.

You are never too old to donate.

Your family cannot overturn your decision to become an organ and tissue donor.

Religious Beliefs on Organ & Tissue Donation

Select a tradition or denomination to learn more.

Organ and tissue donation is viewed as an act of neighborly love and charity, and all members are encouraged to support donation as a way of helping others.

The Amish consent to transplantation on the basis that it is for the well-being of the transplant recipient. The Amish people are reluctant, however, to donate their organs if transplant outcomes are uncertain.

Anglicans see the offering of life to and for others reflecting the Christian principle of interdependence within the human community. Anglicans emphasize the importance of the role of hospital chaplains in providing spiritual and human support throughout the organ transplant process.

There is nothing in the Baha’i teaching which forbids donation. The guardian of the Baha’i faith has stated, “…it seems a noble thing to do.”

Organ donation is encouraged and supported by Baptists because it is seen as an act of charity. The Church, however, leaves the decision to donate up to the individual. The Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution in 1988 encouraging physicians to request organ donation in appropriate circumstance and to “….encourage voluntarism regarding organ donations in the spirit of stewardship, compassion for the needs of others and alleviating suffering.

In 1993, The Church of the Annual Conference developed a resolution supporting and encouraging organ and tissue donation. “We have the opportunity to help others out of love for Christ through the donation of organs and tissues.”

Buddhists believe organ and tissue donation is a matter of individual conscience and place high value on acts of compassion.

In 2008, his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI stated that “the act of love which is expressed with the gift of one’s vital organs remains a genuine testimony of charity that is able to look beyond death so that life always wins.”

The Christian Church encourages organ and tissue donation, stating: “we were created for God’s glory and for sharing God’s love.” A 1985 resolution, adopted by the General Assembly, encourages “members of the Christian Church to enroll as organ donors and prayerfully support those who have received an organ transplant.”

Christian Scientists rely on spiritual instead of medical means of healing. However, they are free to choose whatever medical form of treatment they desire which includes organ and tissue transplantation. Organ and tissue donation is an individual decision.

Organ transplants should not be a religious problem.

Latter-day Saints (Mormons) see the decision to donate as an individual one that is made in conjunction with family, medical personnel, and prayer.

The Church of the Nazarene encourages its members who do not personally object to support donor/recipient anatomical organs through living wills and trusts. Further, they appeal for a morally and ethically fair distribution of organs to those qualified to receive them.

The Episcopal Church passed a resolution in 1982 that recognizes the life-giving benefits of organ, blood, and tissue donation. Church members are encouraged to become organ, blood, and tissue donors.

The Greek Orthodox Church has no objection, whether doctrinal or moral, to the transplantation of organs on medical advice. The reception and donation of organs for this purpose reveals a profound act of loving solidarity and sacrifice among people

Hindus believe the soul is immortal and is reborn in new physical forms. There is nothing in the Hindu religion indicating that part of the dead human body cannot be used to alleviate the suffering of other humans.

Generally, Evangelicals have had no opposition to organ and tissue donation. Each church is autonomous and leaves the decision to donate up to the individual.

Islam strongly believes in the principle of saving human life. Many schools of Islamic Law have invoked the principle that it is a priority to save lives and have permitted organ transplant as a way to achieve that principle. The Fiqh Council agrees with many scholars and national and international fatwa councils in considering organ donation and transplantation to be Islamically permissible in principle. Done with a good intention, organ donation may be regarded as a rewarded act of charity.

Jehovah’s Witnesses agree that organ transplantation and organ donation is a personal decision. All organs and tissues, however, must be completely drained of blood before transplantation.

All four branches of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist) support and encourage donation. The basic principle of Jewish ethics – ‘the infinite worth of the human being’ – also includes donation of corneas.

The Lutheran Church believes that the decision to donate one’s organs and/or tissues should be left up to the individual.

Mennonites have no formal position regarding donation but are not opposed to it. They believe the decision to donate is up to the individual and/or his or her family.

Pentecostals believe that the decision to donate one’s organs and tissues should be left up to the individual.

Presbyterians encourage and support organ and tissue donation. They respect a person’s right to make decisions regarding their own body.

Quakers believe it is essential that the rights of all individuals are respected, and that free and informed consent be obtained from the next of kin. They believe the giving of human organs makes possible a richer life and alleviation of suffering of others.

The Doctrinal Decision says: “When organs may be used to sustain someone’s life body organs may be donated, provided that the deceased person had given prior consent and/or the family members give consent to donate. There is no Scriptural prohibition in donation of organs to save someone’s life.”

Organ and tissue donation is widely supported by Unitarian Universalists. They view it as an act of love and selfless giving.

When advocated by medical practitioners to improve or preserve human life, organ and tissue donation and transplantation are encouraged, provided donor and recipient consent has been secured.

A 1992 resolution of the United Methodist Church states, “Donation is to be encouraged, assuming appropriate safeguards (are put into place) against hastening death and (that the) determination of death (is declared) by reliable criteria.” The resolution further states, “Pastoral-care persons should be willing to explore these options as a normal part of conversation with patients and their families.”

The Wesleyan Church supports donation as a way of helping others. They believe that God’s “ability to resurrect us is not dependent on whether or not all our parts were connected at death.”

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